Let me end the year with one last find from the thrifts. Check out these nesting tin canisters with adorable green pea illustrations!. They are perfect for storing Beatrice's treats. I found these yesterday with my favorite ladies from college, who I haven't seen in ages. It's one of those friendships with a bond stronger than krazy glue, we're that tight and we can kick it like old times, anyday. Cristina, Hannah, Han, you girls rock my world!

We spent the day thrifting and vintage shopping. Yeah, they're vintage vultures, too! I've never been to any thrift stores down in Long Beach, CA. It's about a 35 min. drive from Los Angeles. None of us left empty-handed so it was a sweet, thrifty day. I got those canisters and a fedora that reminds me of Guys and Dolls. It was quite popular with the ladies and gents. The girls found an animal print sweater, jewelry and a yellow lamp.

So, I think I found my sofa for 2011. It's from one of those expensive vintage stores. I seldom frequent these kinda stores because I know they jack up the price and it just leaves me sad and frustrated when I find something I want but it's out of my price range by thousands of dollars. Like this gorgeous plum colored sofa. I want it, I WANT IT BAD. And then I saw a vintage 1940s suitcase which wasn't expensive but I know it's not all that practical. I'm still thinking about it because I want it for my Paris trip next month.

Oh yeah, I'm heading to Paris in January! It was a toss up between Paris and London but my heartmate and I are planning a trip to London in 2012 so Paris it is. I'll be traveling alone so if any of my Parisian readers have any tips to awesome thrift stores or anywhere, feel free to share it with me. I've never been to Europe so I'm very, VERY excited!

By nightfall, we moseyed to a bar down the street, grabbed a couple drinks and shot some pool. A pretty fantastic way to end the evening and the year with my lovely ladies, if I do say so myself!

By the way, look what I dug up on Craigslist? The Amazing Mid Century Desk that's identical to the one I have. I'm stunned they're charging $175 for it!

Finally, I wanna thank each and everyone of you for spending your thrifty time on OLD BRAND NEW. I'm beyond grateful for all the support and wonderful comments. I know there are a billion, really good blogs out there so I'm just happy you can find some time to read mine. You've made my year thiiiiiiiis much more awesome—seriously! 2011 is gonna be even more amazing, I promise. I have a huge bag of tricks up my sleeves and I can't wait to share it with you all.

Alright, my vintage vultures, for those on my side of the pond, enjoy your last hours of 2010, and those in other parts of the world, Happy New Year! Love and live it up! And don't forget to have a wonderful, thrifty weekend. You betcha I'm gonna kick start my new year with some thrifty finds!